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Reflexology    リフレクソロジー
Reflexology is called "Reflex therapy" and It combine Reflex and Ology. there are reflex points of organ which exist in Hands, Feet, Ears, Eyes, Tongue, Intestine etc. here, focus in reflex of feet. By stimulating the reflex zone of feet, and through the nervous system, even do not touch the affected area directly, It convey to the appropriate internal organs. then improve your body and mind  problems.
Ancient Reflexology
When trace about origin of Reflexology, you can see in India, Egypt, china, american indian. The oldest record of reflexology is BC 2230. There is the wall painting on the Egyptian doctor Ankh Omar`s grave that is drawn a picture about people are stimulating the soles and hands. In china, There is a description that about "reflexology" in the oldest medical book "Huangdi Neijing". and also in India, there is the painting of God vishnu`s sole of feet who is one of three Gods of Hindu and govern maintenance of universe. It said that there is whole universe on the feet. then many different symbols are drawn.
Modern Reflexology
Origin of Modern reflexology is USA. when An American Dr. William Henry Hope Fitzgerald was observed operation, He noticed that patients stimulate their hands, fingers on the corner of armchair. from that action, he recognised that stimulation has effect for less pain. and then he begin to start research of the anesthetic effect. In 1917, he released a book that is called " zone therapy". after 1930`s, Zone therapy of Dr.Fitzgerald has more developed by Physiotherapist Eunis Ingham. she made " foot chart" which about reflex zone related with each organs. and She published a book that is called "The Stories The Feet Can Tell". This has become the basis of current reflexology.
リフレクソロジーは、アメリカが発祥の地と言われています。アメリカ人医師である、ウィリアム・ヘンリー・ホープ・フィッツジェラルド博士は患者が手術の際、手術椅子の肘掛けの角に手指を押し付ける行為を観察し、圧力を与えることで、痛みを和らげる効果があるとわかり、麻酔的効果の研究を始めます。そして、1917年に「ゾーンセラピー」という本を発表しました。その後、1930年代に入り、アメリカの理学療法士であるユーニスイングハム女史によって、さらにフィッツジェラルド博士のゾーンセラピーは発展し、臓器・器官の反射区が身体の各部位に対応しているとして、「フットチャート」を作成しました。彼女は「stories the feet have told thru reflexology 」(足は語る)という本を出版し、現在のリフレクソロジーの基になっています。
Effect of Reflexology


when you receive a reflexology, and stimulate on feet, perhaps get some reactions of pain. this means that imbalance of the body and mind. these pains always tell us that our body and mind has problems as a signal. This is very important to recognize. and with these pains, Ki (energy) circulation and blood circulation is improved, enhances metabolism, so the body gets sweat or feels warm. and by the healing crisis or urine and sweat, promote the elimination of waste products from inside the body. People have a different reaction. nobody knows that how body react. of course all of the people will not get healing crisis. and It can be enhance the natural healing power. the natural healing power is the force to heal the own body. if you improve the natural healing power, strengthen the immune system, you can create the body that do not get disease easily, and It will be prevention as lifestyle-related diseases. and also mind and body are connected more deeply. Because each organs are related with emotions, so It will work for mental illness which are stress, depression etc. but basically, important thing is not focus to cure illness. Prevent illness and promote the detoxification from inside body are more important.



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