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   Vita veut dire¨vie, vivre, l'essence de la vie", et Natura signifie "Nature, toutes créations, Principe de vie" en Italien. L' être humain ne vit pas par lui-même, il existe en relation avec les plantes, les animaux, avec l'univers, la terre, la nature. Depuis les temps modernes, les maladies se rependent plus que l on ne le souhaiterais, et l'état de notre environnenement est de plus en plus préoccupant.

Ces deux problèmes touchent notre essence vitale. Et jour après jours'en ajoutent de nouvea En ayant conscience de tout cela mon souhait est que vous preniez soin de votre corps et de votre esprit, et j aimerais que vous soyez le plus possible soucieux de votre santé, mon souhait le plus profond est que chacun vive heureux. Il est important de briller pour soi même en ayant conscience des prochaines générations.

C'est pourquoi mon but est de diffuse, partager mes connaissances et mes savoirs faire que j'ai eu la chance d'apprendre avant.

Vita means " Life, Alive, Source of life, Way of life", and Natura means " Nature, All creation" in Italian. We are kept alive with plants and animals by the Universe, the Earth, the Nature. At the present day, many diseases has spread more than we expected in the world, and also environmental condition is getting serious.

Both problems are concerned about "life". Day after day, we hear so many bad news. Therefore , from these situations, my wish is that I would like you to focus to take care of your body and mind. and I would like you to have interested in your health as much as possible. and I deeply wish that a lot of people live with happiness. I would like you to shine for yourself and think about environment for next generation. That`s why I would like to spread my knowledge, skills and experience to people which I have learned before.

イタリア語でVita とは、「命・人生・生命の源・生き方」、またNatura とは、「自然・万物・創造主」と意味します。私達は偉大なる宇宙、地球、自然の中で植物や動物と共に生かされています。現代では世界中で予想以上に多くの病気が広がり、それと同時に様々な環境問題も深刻化しています。どちらの問題にも必ず「命」が関わってきます。日々、様々なニュースを耳にしますが、こういう世の中だからこそ、自分自身の身体と心に目をむけ、健康に関心を持って頂きたいです。さらに環境がこれ以上壊されないように、また次の世代を生きる子供達のために幸せに、そして輝いて生きてほしいと心から願い、これまで学んできた技術や知識をより多くの人に提供していきたいと考えております。

Pourquoi  recevoir un soin

Il y a differentes raison : pour aider  à guérir d'une maladie, pour réduire le stress, la fatigue, et même sans problèmes particulier pour garder une bonne santé etc....


What`s the purpose of receiving treatment

the purpose of receiving treatment has many way. for cure sickness, It`s not sick but remove to release stress, tiredness, and even do not feel any disease but for keep good health condition etc..

In Japan, we have heard this word "mibyou" from the mass media. "mibyou" means the situation which is not sick but if you carry on your intemperance life, It develops into disease in the future. According to the Traditional chinese medicine, after "mibyou", they put this word "senbou". this means before become sickness, try to make prevention, then make a situation which do not get any sickness. If you have sickness, Your natural healing power and Immunity are getting weak. so after it takes time to recover. before get sick, If you reconsider your lifestyle, eating habits, or receive a massage , reflexology, you can keep your good health, you can make the body and mind which is resistant against disease. 





こういった施術を受ける目的は様々です。もちろん病気の治療のために受ける方、病気ではないけれど、日々の蓄積された疲れを取り除くために受ける方、特に悪いところはなく不調はないが、毎日の健康維持のために受ける方がいらっしゃいます。 現在、色々なメディアでも「未病」という言葉をよく聞くようになりました。未病というのは、病気ではないが、このままでは病気に発展してしまうという状態です。中医学ではこの「未病」という言葉の次に「先防」という言葉がきます。この「先防」とは病気が発生する前に予防を心がけ、発病させないことです。病気の状態になってしまうと、本来、人間の持つ自然治癒力、免疫力が弱くなりますので、回復するのに時間がかかります。病気になる前に、生活習慣、食習慣を見直す事、または整体やリフレクソロジーなどの施術を受けことで、健康の維持ができ、病気になりにくい体と心をつくりあげる事ができるのです。

What is defference between healing and sickness



this is positive and natural process that the body try to eliminate from the result of past mistakes. It has taught that you have wrong lifestyle habit.



this is natural reaction that based on the results and effect of past mistakes. It`s different from the thing that is caused by mistake.








what is The Healing crisis

Healing crisis is a positive reaction of the body and emotion that for Constitutional improvement. It happens by natural therapy like massage, reflexology etc. As a symptom, sleepy, languid, constipation, diarrhea, pain, swelling, rash, eczema, stomach pain, fever, headache, cough, phlegm, and nausea etc. these kind of reaction is not always happen to everybody. even if reaction will happen, some people do not feel anything. and nobody knows what kind of reaction is come out by each person. So, what kind of person is easily appear the reaction? It`s a person who has serious disease, has chronic disease, has taken medicine for a long time, taking strong medicine, has eaten Agricultural chemicals and fertilizers, additives. eatan a lot of Animal protein, fat content etc. the reaction and term are different by each person. the important thing is when you have these kind of reaction, possibly you may feel surprise, anxious, have fear. but It`s better to surrender to nature, to be patient until overcome. if you feel fear and take a medicine, the situation will repeat again. the body automatically try to cure. so when you overcome from these reactions, you will have more healthy and strong body and mind.



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